About ThreadATL

Formed in 2016 by a group of local urbanism advocates, including Darin Givens, Matthew Garbett, and Adrianne Proeller, ThreadATL envisions an Atlanta where the built environment fosters an equitable and thriving community.

The idea from the start was to pair amateur urbanists with like-minded professionals (planners, architects, developers, political leaders) and help each other promote what is often called ‘good urbanism’.

What’s good urbanism? Take a look at our extensive reading list – it’s largely what we use to help define it. Essentially it refers to the wisdom gleaned from people who study cities and want them to be more sustainable places that benefit the health of people (with an emphasis on marginalized & lower-income groups), the environment, and the local economy.

The organization changes constantly along with the varying time that volunteers can commit to it (we’re all-volunteer; no paid positions). But our goals remain the same. We want to improve Atlanta by influencing decisions at the City level, to support and design people-centered communities that embrace good urbanism, and by encouraging residents to embrace and implement good urbanism within their neighborhoods.

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